Hey Autocorrect readers! We’re really excited to announce the launch of 5 new Pophangover Network websites today. Check ‘em out - there’s something for everybody!

funny auto-correct texts - Introducing 5 New Pophangover Network Websites!
Get Out Of The Mirror will post and comment on the scariest, funniest, and most WTF cell phone self-portrait mirror pics on the internet. We hate this trend and want to see it die.
funny auto-correct texts - Introducing 5 New Pophangover Network Websites!
funny auto-correct texts - Introducing 5 New Pophangover Network Websites!
Invisible Cats posts pics of cats doing invisible human things.
funny auto-correct texts - Introducing 5 New Pophangover Network Websites!
funny auto-correct texts - Introducing 5 New Pophangover Network Websites!
The Worst Stuff Ever posts, well, the worst stuff ever. You’ll get it when you see it.
funny auto-correct texts - Introducing 5 New Pophangover Network Websites!
funny auto-correct texts - Introducing 5 New Pophangover Network Websites!
Yeah Flashback will get you feeling nostalgic about the 80s and 90s, with pics of all your favorite stuff from your childhood.
funny auto-correct texts - Introducing 5 New Pophangover Network Websites!

Twittiots is being re-launched today, and will post the funniest - and dumbest - photos people upload to Twitter photo services like Twitpic and Yfrog.
funny auto-correct texts - Introducing 5 New Pophangover Network Websites!

We hope to see you there! And now back to your regularly scheduled autocorrects!