Hey Autocorrect readers! We’re really excited to announce the launch of 5 new Pophangover Network websites today. Check ‘em out - there’s something for everybody!
Get Out Of The Mirror will post and comment on the scariest, funniest, and most WTF cell phone self-portrait mirror pics on the internet. We hate this trend and want to see it die.
Invisible Cats posts pics of cats doing invisible human things.
The Worst Stuff Ever posts, well, the worst stuff ever. You’ll get it when you see it.
Yeah Flashback will get you feeling nostalgic about the 80s and 90s, with pics of all your favorite stuff from your childhood.
Twittiots is being re-launched today, and will post the funniest - and dumbest - photos people upload to Twitter photo services like Twitpic and Yfrog.
We hope to see you there! And now back to your regularly scheduled autocorrects!
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