funny auto-correct texts - We Want Your Fan Art!
We’ve gotten a lot of good entries so we’ve decided to extend the deadline to Sunday April 4th, midnight, Pacific Time! Get your pictures in now!

Hey DYAC readers! Our Facebook Page has undergone a makeover. We’ve moved to Facebook’s new timeline layout, which allows us to use one large image as our “cover photo.” Well, guess what! We want to post fan art as our cover photo! Here are the details:

We just posted the top 15 funniest autocorrects of March. Look through those and find one you’d love to draw. Draw it and then email us at submit <at> damnyouautocorrect with the subject “APRIL FAN ART!” You can also post your entry to our Facebook page if you prefer.

Submissions are open through Friday, April 6th. We’ll update our Facebook cover photo with our favorite entry next Monday, April 9th, and we’ll leave it up all week.

Remember, the dimensions of the cover photo are 850×315 so be sure your picture fits that space! We look forward to seeing your amazing art